Indian Subsidiary Registration

Ideal for Foreign Entities interested in investing in India

  • Company PAN Card
  • Name Search Approval
  • Well Qualified Team
  • Fast & Quick Process
  • GST & ROC Registration
  • 100% Customer Satisfaction
  • Digital Signature & DIN for Directors

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Procedure for Indian Subsidiary registration

Complete the Indian Subsidiary registration application form

Provide us pertinent documents

Make an online payment.

Our executive will manage the application process for Indian Subsidiary registration.

We will mail you a certificate of incorporation

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What is the Indian Subsidiary registration?

The Indian government has been working on a number of initiatives to entice foreign capital to invest in Indian companies for the country's expansion and advancement. One of the economies with the fastest growth rates is India, which is showing improvement in all areas of economic activity. The government is also making efforts to raise its standing in the World Bank Group's Ease of Doing Business index. To entice foreign investors and businessmen, numerous policies have been implemented to promote business accessibility. Getting your Indian subsidiary registered with Taxdoctor advisor is now easy.

Documents Required For Company Registration

Copy of PAN Card of directors.

Passport size photograph of directors.

Aadhaar Card/ Voter identity card.

MOA and AOA.

Property papers (If owned property)..

Rent agreement (If rented property).

Electricity/ Water bill (Business Place)

Landlord NOC (Format will be provided).

Passport and foreign national visa.

Director Identification Number (DIN).

Digital Signature Certificate (DSC).

Certificate of Incorporation.

A foreign national's attested identity document that has been endorsed by the Indian Embassy.

What is Included In Our Package?

DPIN for Directors


Digital Signature for Directors

ROC registration Fees

Company Pan Card

Name search & approval

GST registration

Benefits of registering an Indian subsidiary

Process for Indian Subsidiary Registration

Registration Criteria for Indian Subsidiary Registration

Minimum 2 Shareholders
Parent company must hold 50% of total equity capital
Minimum 3 Directors
DIN for all Directors

Annual Compliances of Indian Subsidiary Company

Following certain defined compliances in the Indian Subsidiary Registration Process is a requirement to establish a legitimate and legal Indian subsidiary company. These compliances are as follows:

The 2013 Companies Act's regulations must be strictly followed by any company founded in India..

A company with an Indian subsidiary must abide by a number of regulations set forth by the RBI regarding the management of foreign exchange

In accordance with the provisions of the Income Tax Act of 1961, it is a requirement that all businesses in India file income tax returns.

The filing of annual returns with the Ministry of Corporate Affairs and The Registrar of Companies is the responsibility of the companies.

If a company lists its securities on a stock exchange, it is required to abide by Securities Exchange Board of India (SEBI) regulations.

Why Choose Tax Doctor

30+ Offices in India
10+ Years Experience
Economical and Fast
Money Back Guarantee

Frequently Asked Questions

The first and foremost need to start up these companies is the sole director. Some years ago, there will be a need for a Company secretary also. As soon as you register as a sole director, you will enter both you’re residential address and a service address. But only the service address will appear in the public records. The various documents that you have submitted regarding shareholders, you will have both an individual director and another company as a shareholder. There is a prohibition in having an entire company owned by another company. Once, you are done with the documentation, you will have a decision within 24 hours from the Companies House.

Of course, the Indian Companies Act requires that there should be at least two shareholders and foreign companies hence must hold 99.99% of shares of an Indian subsidiary. Besides, minority balance holding is nominated and held under the Indian Companies Act in the name of an individual.

The reserve bank of India has some guidelines that define activities for foreign Companies under the following broad categories: -A foreign company is freely allowed for the activities to engage in without obtaining any permission. -A foreign company is allowed for the activities to participate in a subject to conditions. -A foreign company is prohibited for the activities to engage in. Such activities are further elaborated under various circulars of RBI under FEMA.

Only a natural person who is an Indian and resident in India is eligible to incorporate OPC as per rule 3 of the Companies Rules, 2014. Hence, the question of any “body corporate” or other organization form being a single member doesn’t arise.

-Minimum 2 Shareholders -Minimum Capital of Rs. 1lac -DIN for all Directors -A parent company shall have 50% of the total equity capital.


Taxdoctor was founded on the principle that sophisticated legal and taxation services should be simple, modern, and inexpensive. We can serve our clients more efficiently thanks to cutting-edge practise technology.

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