LLP Annual Filing

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Procedure for LLP Annual filing Registration

Complete our Simple Form

You are required to fill details in our simple questionnaire and submit documents.

Submit the Documents

Submit all the required information & documents and we shall take care of the rest.

Verification of Documents

All the required documents, returns, forms are prepared and verified.

Your work is completed

Once the return is filed, we shall send you the documents and return your DSCs.

IEC License sent by email

Once your IEC CODE registration is completed we will send the IEC license to you by email.

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LLP Annual Return Filing

Limited Liability Partnerships need to get the books of the record reviewed by practicing Chartered Accountants, particularly whose turnover is more than INR 40 lakh or whose commitment has surpassed INR 25 lakh. The cutoff to file the LLP Annual return filing is 30th September. In any case, LLPs whose tax audit has not required any cutoff time. So, the due date for tax filing is 31st July.

The LLP Annual return is to be filed in the prescribed Form-11. It is the summary of the management affairs of LLP, such as the numbers of partners along with their names. Apart from this, form 11 has to be filed by the 30th of May each year. Each LLP who is now enlisted with the Ministry of Corporate Affairs needs to file the Annual Returns and Statement of Accounts for the Financial Year 2018.

Documents required for LLP Annual filing

Statement of accounts

Disclosure under MSME Development Act (if applicable)

What is included in our Package

Annual Return Preparation
Annual Return Filing
Registration Fees

Main Compliance of LLP

Following are the three main compliance which is a mandatory thing for the LLP of the year 2018:

In India, LLP must file its Annual Return within 60 days from the end of the close of the financial year and statement of Account and dissolvability inside 30 days from the finish of six months of the close of the financial year. It is required for LLPs to keep us in their financial year as on 1st April to 31st March. Hence, LLP annual return is due on 30th May and the statement of account and dissolvability is due on 30th October of each financial year. Special care must be taken with respect to the Annual Return filing on time as non- compliance attracts a penalty of Rs. 100 per day of default with no ceiling.

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Frequently Asked Questions

An annual return is a mandatory filing to be made by all LLPs in India. The Annual return along with the required documents must be filed with the Ministry of Corporate Affairs.

The Statement of Accounts and Solvency is a mandatory filing that is required for all LLPs in India. The Statement of Accounts and Solvency contains a declaration on the state of solvency of the LLP by the designated partners and also information related to the statement of assets and liabilities and statement of income and expenditure of the LLP.

The Annual Return of an LLP is due within 60 days of the close of the financial year. The annual return of an LLP is due on or before May 30th of each financial year.

Late filing or non-filing of LLP Annual Return or Statement of Accounts and Solvency before the due date will attract a penalty of Rs.100 for each day of default.


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