You are required to fill your details in our simple questionnaire and submit documents.
We will create all the required applications and file them with Registrar.
Once, the application is filed, an acknowledgment slip of the same shall be sent.
A trademark is any unique expression related to a product or service that
distinguishes it from others. This expression could be a word, slogan, photograph, logo,
graphic, color combination, sound, or even smell.
A registered trademark has 10 years of validity. After that it needs renewal. You do not need to
worry if you forget to renew it as you will receive a prior notice at your registered office
regarding the renewal of your trademark. Usually, companies forget to renew their trademark. So,
the Registrar informs them regarding the same 6 months before expiration. Still, if there is no
action from your side, then Registrar issues a statement that says that your trademark would be
removed from the Trade Marks Journal. It is a very long process and takes at least 6-12 months
after expiration. So before that, you can renew it by just paying the amount of fine to the
Trademark Renewal is done by Taxdoctor.
Taxdoctor was founded on the principle that sophisticated legal and taxation services should be simple, modern, and inexpensive. We can serve our clients more efficiently thanks to cutting-edge practise technology.
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